81. Please check your personal belongings before you leave.
(1) decide
(2) examine
(3) locate
(4) situate

82. The ________ to Pie district is very tough.
(1) trail
(2) route
(3) path
(4) method

83. The _________ shows that he did not return two books.
(1) decrease
(2) increase
(3) history
(4) record

84. The huge birds like hornbills easily become extinct.
(1) immense
(2) rare
(3) gross
(4) indistinct

85. Parents always ________ their children when they apologize.
(1) forgot
(2) forgive
(3) devote
(4) consider

86. Macaroni __________ in Italy; now it has become a Kind of Thai dish.
(1) formed
(2) produced
(3) originated
(4) placed

87. He ________ himself into the river to get some water.
(1) raised
(2) lowered
(3) lifted
(4) threw

88. Now Jenny is your __________ is working; you can let her work with you.
(1) enemy
(2) equal 
(3) friend
(4) inspiration

89. The car that you borrow today must be _________ tomorrow.
(1) kept
(2) pressed
(3) returned
(4) switched

90. The former First Lady of the U.S.A is very __________.
(1) well know
(2) renowned
(3) famous
(4) All are correct

91. The product was _______; he earned a lot of money.
(1) successful
(2) activated
(3) damaged
(4) collected

92. He kept al his stamps in a large _________.
(1) function
(2) collection
(3) succession
(4) edition

93. The fire fighter could __________ an infant from the burning building.
(1) specify
(2) design
(3) sent
(4) rescue

94. Waste water from hotels near the beach ________ the sea.
(1) recycled
(2) produced
(3) saved
(4) polluted

95. The _________ should read the product’s label before buying it.
(1) merchants
(2) customers
(3) venders
(4) containers

96. His teacher ________ that he finished his report.
(1) demanded
(2) asked
(3) assumed
(4) announced

97. The ________ floods in the South damaged my areas.
(1) active
(2) renown
(3) decent
(4) recent

98. Healthful _________ is especially good for the sick.
(1) food
(2) gadget
(3) diet
(4) 1 & 3 are correct.

99. A _________ of mixed fruit looks very beautiful on the dessert.
(1) garbage
(2) granite
(3) garnish
(4) paste

100. Many fruit _________ in the South were destroyed by the floods.
(1) orchids
(2) orchards
(3) fields
(4) lands
